
Encrypt Private Key

To use the included examples that execute transactions on the Songbird blockchain, you will need access to your private key (or a wallet and an API). Hardware or software wallets are out of scope for these examples. Private keys should never be stored in the clear, so this utility provides a means to encrypt your key with a password.

from eth_account import Account
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from pprint import pprint
import json
import sys
import getpass

def main(argv):
  '''Encrypt a wallet private key using a passphrase and store in a
  local directory.

  The encrypted key file is defined with the -o switch on the command line.
  outputfile = ''

  # Get command line args
    opts, args = getopt(argv, "ho:", ["outputfile="])
  except GetoptError:

  # Private key and password could be passed on command line for automation
  # purposes, but is not secure since command history can be stored.
  for opt, arg in opts:
    if opt == "-h":
    elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"):
      outputfile = arg

  # Get private key and password...do not echo to terminal.
  key = getpass.getpass("Private key: ")
  password = getpass.getpass()

  # Encrypt...
  encrypted = Account.encrypt(key, password)

  # Write encrypted key to output file defined on command line.
  with open(outputfile, 'w') as f:

def printinvoke():
  print("  encryptkey.py -o <outputfile>")

if __name__ == "__main__":