
The Songbird smart contract collection fires many events that can give you insight on Ftso operations as they happened. Any event can be fetched, so long as you know what block range to look for. It is unwise to start a block 0, scanning all blocks in the chain. Most API providers will not allow this operation. So one should build and keep a mapping of block to something like price epoch or reward epoch off-chain, filtering over small block ranges shortly after they happen. This can be done with RPC or streaming over web sockets. Web sockets are more performant but less reliable (IMHO). The examples below use RPC.


Retrieve logs from blocks containing the PriceHashesSubmitted event from the PriceSubmitter contract.

from sgb_ftso_contracts import PriceSubmitter
from web3 import Web3

# Define the blockchain endpoint to use
rpcurl = ""

# Init web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpcurl))

# Get the PriceSubmitter contract
priceSubmitterFactory = PriceSubmitter()
priceSubmitter = priceSubmitterFactory.contract(web3)

# This search happens over a block range, so it is necessary to define that range.
endblock = 20481300
submitfilter = - 30, toBlock=endblock)
events = submitfilter.get_all_entries()
for event in events:


Retrieve logs from blocks containing the PricesRevealed event from the PriceSubmitter contract. This example will print the revealed prices for ADA for a given epoch.

from sgb_ftso_contracts import Ftso, PriceSubmitter
from web3 import Web3

# Define the blockchain endpoint to use
rpcurl = ""

# Init web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpcurl))

# Init the ftsoManager factory
ftsoFactory = Ftso("ADA")
ftsoADA = ftsoFactory.contract(web3)

# Get the PriceSubmitter contract
priceSubmitterFactory = PriceSubmitter()
priceSubmitter = priceSubmitterFactory.contract(web3)

# This search happens over a block range, so it is necessary to define that range.
endblock = 20481300

# Create an event filter
revealfilter = - 15, toBlock=endblock + 15)
events = revealfilter.get_all_entries()
# Iterate over the events found
for event in events:
  pos = 0
  for ftso in event["args"]["ftsos"]:
    if ftso.lower() == ftsoADA.address.lower():
      pos += 1


Retrieve logs from blocks containing the PriceEpochInitializedOnFtso event from the ADA Ftso contract. Any Ftso would work. Iterating over ranges of blocks, one can map blocks to price epochs, which then enable fetching other events within the same price epoch. Knowing what blocks to go after is the key.

from sgb_ftso_contracts import *
from web3 import Web3

rpcurl = ""

# Init web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpcurl))

# Init an ftso factory
ftsoFactory = Ftso("ADA")
ftsoADA = ftsoFactory.contract(web3)

# Some block that has already occured
endblock = 20481240

# Discern when price epochs occur in the context of chain blocks.
# Blocks are not produced at a constant rate, so this mapping cannot be determined by formula.
epochInitFilter = - 30, toBlock=endblock)
events = epochInitFilter.get_all_entries()
for event in events:
  print(f"Over block range: {endblock - 30} to {endblock}")
  print(f"At block: {event['blockNumber']}")
  print(f"The price epoch was: {event['args']['epochId']}")
  print(f"And the price epoch ends at Unix epoch timestamp: {event['args']['endTime']}")